Primary contact
Audit House, 2 Burnett Place, Larrakeyah
Postal address: GPO Box 3520 Darwin, NT 0801
Darwin, Northern Territory 0820
National Trust of Australia (Northern Territory), Darwin
National Trust of Australia (Northern Territory) is a community-based organisation with a charter to promote the preservation and awareness of the heritage of the Northern Territory. It is not a government organisation but is incorporated under a 1976 Act of Parliament. The National Trust (NT) is a member of the Australian Council of National Trusts (ACNT), a federation of Trusts in all states and territories.
The main objective of the National Trust is to promote the preservation of our heritage in whatever form that takes – buildings, places of historic, social, scientific or aesthetic significance or more intangible cultural heritage. The Trust also acts as an advocate for conservation and to lobby governments in matters of cultural heritage, legislation and conservation.
The Trust in the Northern Territory maintains a property portfolio of nineteen historic buildings, several of which are open to the public.
The Trust has branches in Darwin, Katherine, Borroloola, and Alice Springs as well as a presence in Timber Creek, Tennant Creek and Pine Creek, and through these, monitors heritage issues throughout the Territory. The Hartley Street School Museum, restored in 1980, is now the centre for heritage in Alice Springs.
Details of the Council in the Northern Territory and annual reports are available at
Officer in charge: Research Officer
The data of the National Trust is site specific and is mostly contained in reports on survey and documentation of heritage sites. Register files are comprehensive.
The National Trust has built and maintains an archive and research library relating to historic places. The Register of Significant Places is the most comprehensive collection of historic material relating to buildings and places available to researchers in the Northern Territory. Records include:
Open Monday to Friday, 8.30am-4.30pm.
Closed public holidays and Christmas-New Year period.
Advance notice of visit required.
Referral to paid researchers is available. Introductory brochure available.
Copying services available.