Primary contact
Collins Street, Kiama 2533
Postal address:
PO Box 269, Kiama 2533
Lodge Kiama No 35 UGL of NSW
Officer in charge: Secretary
Minute books, attendance books, some cash books, historical correspondence and accounts of the Lodge from 1871.
Lodge Samaritan: Account book 1871-73; Minutes to 1888. Lodge Minnamurra: Minutes 1888-89. Lodge Kiama: Minute books 1889-(0.6m); Attendance books 1889-; Accounts 1889- ; Correspondence 1889- ; Petitions to join 1888- .
Quantity: 1m (100% in-house).
Open by appointment. General reference assistance available.
Minimum age 18 years. Researchers should be to at least graduate level if research is to be published. One month needed for approved application. One month's advance notice of visit required. Proof of identity required. Closed period of 20 years applies to financial records. Access to records not normally available for research can be gained by consent of the Lodge.