The Directory of Archives in Australia is published by the Australian Society of Archivists or contact
Hunters Hill Historical Society held its first meeting in 1961 and was incorporated in 1997. It is run by volunteers. The Society operates the Hunters Hill Museum, which is located within the Hunters Hill Town Hall.
Contexto cultural e geográfico
The Society sees itself as a custodian of the past and also the guardian of the present for the benefit of future generations who will share in their time the privilege and pleasure of living in Hunters Hill, Australia's oldest garden suburb.
Mandatos/Fontes de autoridade
The objectives of the Society are:
the collection, acquisition and preservation of all material relevant to the Municipality of Hunter's Hill;
to encourage and foster an interest in the development of the Municipality with particular regard to the natural beauty and character and preservation of historic associations, monuments etc;
the dissemination of information to members and others by lectures, exhibitions, discussions, publications and research;
provision of suitable memorials, places and events; and
to affiliate with or join other organisations with like interests.
Estrutura administrativa
Elected committee of management from membership.
Políticas de captura e gestão de documentos
Acervos documentais
Hunters Hill Museum holds extensive local records, dating back to early colonial times. The records include artefacts, paintings, pictures and photographs, maps, documents, newspapers and books.
Instrumentos de pesquisa, guias e publicações
Área de acesso
Horário de funcionamento
Open Tuesday to Friday 10am-12noon and by appointment on Mondays. (Check website for any updates.) Closed public holidays.
Condição de acesso e uso
Área de serviços
Serviços de pesquisa
Serviços de reprodução
Áreas públicas
Zona do controlo
Identificador da descrição
Identificador da instituição
Regras ou convenções utilizadas
Nível de detalhe
Datas de criação, revisão ou eliminação
Revised 9 December 2022
Línguas e escritas
Notas de manutenção
Pontos de acesso
Pontos de acesso
Arts and Culture (Thematic area)
Built Environment (Thematic area)
Educação (Thematic area)
Ambiente (Thematic area)
Family / Domestic Life (Thematic area)
Genealogical (Thematic area)
Geography (Thematic area)
Indigenous (Thematic area)
Industry, Manufacturing and Commerce (Thematic area)
Local Studies (Thematic area)
Natural Resources (Thematic area)
Politics and Government (Thematic area)
Passatempos / Lazer / Desportos (Thematic area)
Religião (Thematic area)
Science and Technology (Thematic area)
Social Organisations and Activities (Thematic area)
Transportation (Thematic area)
Área de transferência
Contacto principal
Town Hall, 22 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill Sydney, New South Wales 2110