Primary contact
Level 2, Beryl Rawson Building, Australian National University, Acton
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2601
Australian Data Archive, Canberra
The Australian Data Archive (ADA) is managed by the Australian National University (ANU). ADA was established at the ANU in 1981 with a brief to provide a national service for the collection and preservation of computer readable data relating to social, political and economic affairs and to make these data available for further analysis. A team of professional data archivists, advised by a panel of leading social scientists, provides both stewardship and outreach services to the Australian community.
The Australian Data Archive provides a national service for the collection and preservation of digital research data and to make these data available for secondary analysis by academic researchers and other users.
Australian Data Archive Catalogue:
ADA helpdesk operates Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.
Closed weekends, public holidays, Christmas-New Year (24 December-1 January).
General reference assistance available via email at
Various. Some holdings require that researchers must have an existing affiliation with an appropriate research organisation.
Revised 28 March 2018