Eerste contactpersoon
North Terrace, Adelaide
Adelaide, South Australia 5000
State Library of South Australia
The State Library of South Australia is responsible for collecting and preserving the non-government records relating to the history of South Australia from pre-white settlement to the present day.
Records (including digital) of South Australian individuals and families, businesses and societies.
These include letters, diaries, minutes, correspondence, research papers, business records, photographs, films and sound recordings (especially oral histories).
Provenance level entry for all record groups are available through the Library's catalogue:
Many groups have additional levels of description either through the catalogue or as PDF series lists attached to database records.
Digital copies of some records, particularly photographs, are available online.
Open Monday to Wednesday 10am-8pm
Thursday and Friday 10am-6pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am-5pm.
The majority of records can be requested through the reference desk. Any restrictions or special conditions are shown on the relevant database record.
A reader's ticket is required and may be obtained at the reference desk on the production of some form of identification.
For details of retrieval of material from storage see:
The Library provides a telephone reference service (08 8207 7250); email enquiries can be sent to
Visitors to the Library can access computers, finding aids and expert staff assistance by asking at the reference desk.
Details available on the website:
Revised 14 April 2018