Primary contact
49 Broadway, cnr Clark Street, Nedlands
Perth, Western Australia 6009
Royal Western Australian Historical Society, Perth
The Western Australian Historical Society was founded in 1926 with the immediate objective of raising interest in the State’s forthcoming centenary. The young Society duly played a prominent role in the planning and conduct of the various public celebrations that marked the anniversary in 1929.
The society holds historical collections, including a library, photographic and museum collection. The items embraced by these records have been collected and managed by the Society since 1926 and include a wealth of information on many aspects of Western Australian history dating back to European settlement in 1826, with some going back even further.
Officer in charge: Chairman, Library Committee
Monographs, pamphlets, manuscripts, personal papers, letters, diaries, newspaper clippings, maps, photos and pictorial material relating to the geographical area of Western Australia from white contact to the present, concentrating on the period up to mid twentieth century.
The library collection includes:
Catalogues cover the Library, Museum, Photographs and Public Memorials collections. These catalogues have been made accessible via the website.
The online Photographs collection catalogue is not complete. If you cannot find an image you are looking for, please contact the Library.
Open Monday to Friday, 10am-4pm (except public holidays).
Library is free to members. Non-members are charged a fee to use the collections.
The public can visit the Library or use the Library Research Enquiry Form (see
General reference assistance and referral to paid researchers are available.
Fees are charged for copying of documents and images.