Affichage de 48 résultats

Service d'archives
Affichage :
Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane - Brisbane Archdiocesan Archives
Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane - Brisbane Archdiocesan Archives
Loreto Province Archives, Ballarat, Victoria
Loreto Province Archives, Ballarat, Victoria
Lutheran Archives, Lutheran Church of Australia, Adelaide
Lutheran Archives, Lutheran Church of Australia, Adelaide
Anglican Diocese of Brisbane, Records and Archives Centre
Anglican Diocese of Brisbane, Records and Archives Centre
Sisters of Mercy Brisbane Congregation
Sisters of Mercy Brisbane Congregation
Baptist Union of Victoria Archives, Melbourne
Baptist Union of Victoria Archives, Melbourne
Archives Office, Anglican Diocese of Adelaide
Archives Office, Anglican Diocese of Adelaide
Anglican Diocese of Melbourne Archives
Anglican Diocese of Melbourne Archives
Blessed Sacrament Congregation and St Francis Church Heritage Centre, Melbourne
Blessed Sacrament Congregation and St Francis Church Heritage Centre, Melbourne
Order of St Clare (Poor Clares), Sydney
Order of St Clare (Poor Clares), Sydney
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