
Search tips

  1. Click on the ‘Browse’ drop-down box (top left of screen) and select Archival institutions.

  2. On the Archival institutions page, click on the Search archival institution box (Top centre of white part of screen)

OR search (the default): eg if you enter National Archives of Australia, by default you retrieve entries that mention either National or Archives or Australia (retrieves 290 entries).

AND search (must use uppercase AND): eg if you enter National AND Archives AND Australia you retrieve entries that have all three words (retrieves 37 entries).

PHRASE search : use double quotes to search for a phrase, eg if you enter “National Archives of Australia” you will retrieve entries with those words in that order (retrieves 11 entries). This is useful for institution names with general words.

Wildcard search :
o use an asterisk to find variations of keywords with a common stem, eg college will retrieve entries with college and colleges;
o use an asterisk to find variations within a word, eg M
cPherson will retrieve entries with Macpherson and McPherson;
o use a question mark to replace a single character, eg organi?ation will retrieve entries with organisation or organization; (M?cPherson will retrieve MacPherson not McPherson).

View options (Top centre of white part of screen)

Select icon:
• Tiles – show Name of institution – the default.
• List – shows Name of institution, Region, Locality, Thematic area.

Sort by options (Top right of white part of screen)

Select from drop-down box:
• Alphabetic – by Name of institution – the default.
• Most recent – by Date the entry was entered or revised.
• Identifier – by daa/ number.

Advanced search options (Click on down arrows)

Narrow your results by (Left column)

Search Tips prepared: 20 February 2018, updated 5 August 2018