Eerste contactpersoon
Coomandook Area School, Dukes Highway, Coomandook
Coomandook, South Australia 5261
Coomandook School Community Library, South Australia
Coomandook is a thriving farming community in the Coorong District, where students attend the local school and the majestic grain silos are in use. It is about 120 kilometres east-south-east of Adelaide on Dukes Highway in South Australia.
Officer in charge: Teacher/Librarian
Holdings include:
Open (during school term) Monday to Friday 8.30am-4pm; Closed on public holidays.
Open school holidays, Tuesday to Thursday 9.30am-4.30pm (see
Minimum age 15 years. Two days' advance notice of visit required including broad field of study. Proof of identity required.
Reference assistance in person.
Copies from books, journals and photographs available.
Revised 11 February 2024 [to be confirmed]