Primary contact
89 William Street, Rockhampton
Postal address: PO Box 710, Rockhampton 4700
Rockhampton, Queensland 4700
Anglican Diocese of Rockhampton, Queensland
The Diocese was formed in 1892. For a history of the first 50 years, see “Steel all Through” The Church of England in Central Queensland Transplantation and Adaptation 1892-1942 by Robert Henry Haldon Philp, BA, Litt.M., Th.L. (
The Rockhampton Diocese is included in the Province of Queensland and is one of the 23 dioceses making up the Anglican Church of Australia. The diocese covers an area of approx 57million hectares, and contains nearly the whole central division of Queensland. The population of the Diocese is 216,000 of whom approximately 48,000 indicate that they are Anglicans.
Officer in charge: The Registrar
Collection of official and personal records of the Diocese and Bishops of Rockhampton from 1892. (90% in-house).
Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10am-3pm: Thursday 12-3pm.
By appointment only.
Minimum age 18 years. Proof of identity required. Access to records not normally available for research can be gained by permission from the Registrar.
Referral to paid researchers is available.