
The Directory of Archives in Australia provides information about institutions, organisations and individuals generating or holding records, about the types of records held, and about the repositories that hold these archives and manuscripts including national and state archival institutions, university archives, school archives, business records, film and sound archives, oral histories, and local historical societies.

The Directory of Archives in Australia was first published by the Australian Society of Archivists (ASA) as a print publication in 1983 compiled by Olga White, Anne-Marie Schwirtlich and Jennifer Nash, updated in 1992 by Susan Burnstein, and produced as a web resource in 1996 by Rosanne Walker, Guillaume Mallet and Tim Sherratt (Australian Science Archives Project). The 2018 edition has been updated by Hilary Rowell and includes a set of taxonomies to assist searching via Archive Type, Geographic Region, Locality and Thematic Area.

If your organisation has an entry listed in the Directory that you would like to update or you represent an archival institution that you would like to add to the Directory, please see the ASA website for details or or email the Directory Officer.

For assistance in searching and browsing the Directory, please see the Directory Search Tips.